Montag, 5. Dezember 2011

So have you heard about this Swiss study?

I love this:
The Swiss have done this study which I obtained via reddit:
German (official Swiss press release):
English (the way reddit found it):

The study shows:
-There is no need to make copyright laws any harsher (in Switzerland).
-If you are 15 yrs or older there is an up to 33% chance you illegaly download.
-People still spend the same amount of money on "culture"; they just don't buy the hardcover medium any more - they buy concert tickets and merchandise.
-This affects MULITNATIONAL media conglomerates since they lose money on one sector while GAINING money on another - which is just a shift from global to local (merch shops are around your corner, instead of box office/DVD/CD money which they cash) and a shift in bookkeeping: One sector may lose money, while another equally gains it. The endresult remains unchanged: They make a profit.

So this means all the complaining is really the conglomerates fault.
a) All their complaining about "better" laws to combat piracy is based on an dishonest premise: That they lose money. They can show you the numbers from one branch to proof it - but you never see the gain in the other branches overseas that compensate.
b) The branches in the motherland wouldn't even suffer if the companies had modernised like everybody else, restructured their companies to compensate for this and made it a feasable solution to BUY FUCKING ONLINE.
Because if you would order in the online shop this shift in their bookkeeping would have never happened and the local merch store wouldn't have had all that business.

So what all that moaning boils down to is this: Companies too glutenous, lazy and uninformed about their own key market want to infringe on my civil liberties because they cannot fathom why they have to pay the middle man at the merch store when they hadn't to previously.
Well, Bo-fucking-ho you multi-billionaire cunts.
I have to suffer because you can throw a million dollars into a lobbying-campaign no-one can outmatch and YOU have to actually do some creative work in the creative sector of this market.
Call me again when you have dragged your corporate ass and your suitcases full of money into the 21. century.

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